Inserire un pulsante, badge di Twitter sul proprio sito web con la scritta a�?Seguimia�? èdiventata ormai un’operazione di routine, per aumentare il traffico verso il proprio sito ed il numero di lettori su Twitter.

Oggi ne approfitto per segnalarvi 30 splendidi set di icone per Twitter, ora avete solo l’imbarazzo della scelta per l’immagine da inserire sul vostro sito!

Twitter Graphics: Badges, Icons & Buttons

The Social Bird icon set
via inspiredm
Released by Inspired Magazine, consisted the work of Frank Chimero, Jeffrey Bowman, Mills, Dyna Moe, Alex Mathers, Divya Manian, Matt Joyce and more!

TwitterFun Icons
via graphicleftovers
Collection contains Twitter notebook, Twitter blimp, Twitter lightbulb and Twitter monitor.

Happy Birds
4 happy go lucky birds. Comes in PSD and PNG formats.

2 Cute Twitter Icons
via jeeremie
The zip contains two transparent PNG icons available in resolutions of 128à128 pixels, 256à256 and 512à512. The sources are in AI files (Adobe Illustrator CS3), PSD files and EPS file.

High Res Dark Denim Social Media Icons
via webtreats
108 high resolution icons, and the Twitter are just small parts of it.

Fat Twitters icon pack
via jankoatwarpspeed
Pack consist of two icons (those two sitting on the branch). Both icons come in five sizes: 512à512, 256à256, 128à128, 64à64 and 32à32.

Twitter Bird Icon Set
via productivedreams
6 icons, all in high quality transparent PNG format.

Twitter Eggs
via graphicleftovers
Available in PNG format in two sizes: 256 x 256 px and 128 x 128 px.

Cute Tweeters Icon Set
via Smashing Magazine
Eight icons. Available in 128à128, 256à256 and 512à512 in formats of eps, psd and ai

Twitter Icon
via Diwa Fernandez
High resolution Twitter icon in PNG format.

Elvis, hero, meditation and sufer
4 x 126 Pixel PNG, 4 x 256 Pixel PNG, 1 x Preview, 1 x Adobe Illustrator

Twitter stamp icon
via Marco Kuiper
All icons are available in three different sizes: 32à32, 64à64 and 128à128 px, and Twitter icons are just part of it.

Twitter icon
via antonist
