Ecco per i nostri cari lettori una fantastica collezione di 30 sfondi e wallpapers effetto spectrum, rainbow, vale a dire con tonalità che vanno dal viola al rosso, coloratissimi che danno un look davvero unico alle nostre pagine web.

Sfondi e Wallpapers Colorati, Wallpapers Rainbow

Rainbow by dardan

Rainbowfest by manicho

Colours of the Rainbow by mallorcaa

Rainbow Bolt Wallpaper Pack by SemanticOne

The Wack Twister by DJ-Takahashi

Rainbow by nathan

Wallpaper colorful by payalnic

Rainbow licks WP by SfinxMagnum

Colorful Desktop Candy by alsnd12

Colorful World 01 by mediablade

Rainbow by Dipschmidt

Spectrum by GRlMGOR

Radial Rainbow by skepnaden

wallpapers comes in 1600à1200 (4:3) and 1600à9000 (16:9) resolutions.

Accidents Happens 2 by iixo

Rainbow on a Evening Shower by Almighty-Bazaa

Rainbow by dewaynesmith

To-Be-Free-Wallpaper- by silwenk

Spektra & Spektra2 by hypoxic

Specktra widescreen wallpaper pack.

Specktra 2 widescreen wallpaper pack.

Colorful by souhail88

Razor by Kamikaze00X

Available in these following sizes: 2560à1600, 1920à1440, 1680à1050, 1440à900, 1280à800

Trippy by majinshadow

Rainbow Ocean by Thelma1

Rainbow Concepts by jugga-lizzle

Agony by ciokkolata

Rainbow Wave Length
